Register on-line andget 10% discounton your first purchase. registration Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone Country (###) ### #### D.O.B MM DD YYYY Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Are you currently taking any medication or drugs which increase sensitivity to UV light? YES NO Do you suffer from a heart condition or high blood pressure? YES NO MEDICAL QUESTIONNAIRE: Have you previously suffered from epilepsy? YES NO If you answer YES to any of the above we ask that you consult your doctor before using the our sunbeds: Are you pregnant? YES NO Do you have more than 50 moles and / or freckles? YES NO Have you or anyone in your immediate family ever had skin cancer? YES NO Have you undergone surgery in the last 6 weeks? YES NO Do you have a medical condition that is worsened by sunlight? YES NO Do you have a history of sunburn especially in childhood? YES NO Do you suffer from epilepsy? YES NO CHOOSE YOUR SKIN TYPE Please categorise your skin type according to the table below. SKIN TYPE 1 SKIN TYPE 2 SKIN TYPE 3 SKIN TYPE 4 Dear Guest Welcome to the WeTan Shop! Thank you for using our on-line registration system. You will be asked to sign your registration upon arrival and you will receive the offer in our salon. See You soon... WeTan Shop